Thursday, November 1, 2007

Aaaaaaaaand...we're off!

Yep. It's that time of year again. NaNoWriMo is upon is, and I'm happy to say I bagged my wordcount quota before lunch today.

(And let me just say I almost fell out of my chair when I finished tallying up the manual count and it came to 1687. Daaaaaaaaang. I have too much free time in the morning.)

I managed to balloon that out by 200 in the type-in, so I'm in decent standing for the first day (though my mom has me by 30 words. Hi, mom!).

Who else in the blogosphere is NaNoing? And how are you doing? Your story perking up at the whistle yet?

Best of luck to my fellow writing fiends, including those who are using the month for comics, manga, plays, and whatever other creative pursuits!


Anonymous said...

Hi! and a reminder, though I know you do it, to save often! I was typing away this morning, didn't check my word count, and I got on the internet to find a name. My cursor disappeared. I tried ctrl-Alt-Del, nothing! I had to to the old manual reboot. I lost about three paragraphs! ouch! I'm back up to 3312, but those three paragraphs are a mere paraphrase of the originals. Oh well, if I do anything with it they'll all be re-written anyway.

Anonymous said...

I had to do the old manual re-boot. To quote Grover, "Oh, I am so embarrassed."

Patrick Alan said...